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Instructions for Customers opening securities trading accounts at banks

Instructions for Customers opening securities trading accounts at banks

I. Scope of application:

- Customers who open a securities trading accounts at FPTS and a securities trading cash account at a bank selected by FPTS.

- List of banks as follows:

  • In Hanoi: Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Hanoi Branch

II. Instructions on trading:

After opening a securities trading account at FPTS, opening a securities trading cash account at a bank selected by FPTS and signing the "Principle Contract of securities trading for customers opening securities trading cash accounts at banks" with FPTS and the Bank, customers can start to buy/sell securities.

  1. Buying securities

To buy securities, Customers follow the following steps:

- Step 1: You go to the Bank where the principle contract has been signed and request the Bank to confirm your balance of money to buy securities (Form of Request for Money Blocking here).

- Step 2: After the Bank checks and blocks your amount of money as requested, the Bank will sign and stamp the " Request for Money Blocking" and transfer the original to FPTS’s Securities Brokerage Department.

- Step 3: Based on the Request for Money Blocking confirmed by the Bank, FPTS will update your balance to the trading system. You are allowed to purchase securities within the amount of money blocked at the Bank and updated to the FPTS trading system.

Note: Your balance confirmed and blocked by the Bank is only valid on the trading day. If you do not purchase the entire confirmed amount, the remaining balance cannot be carried over to the next day.

- Step 4: If your purchase order is matched, the Bank and FPTS will make a clearing payment with Viet Nam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation and record the number of shares and the corresponding amount of money into your account.

  1. Selling securities

- Because securities are deposited at FPTS, customers do not need to request balance confirmation as in the case of buying securities. You can place an order to sell securities within the current balance of securities in your account. When your securities selling order is matched, FPTS will make a clearing payment with the Viet Nam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation and transfer money to the Bank to increase the corresponding amount of money into your account at the Bank.

- Buying/selling securities after having a balance of money/securities on the FPTS trading system can be done via the Internet, by phone or at the quarters. You may see detailed Instructions for using the Online Trading Service - EzTrade to trade via the Internet.

  1. Cases of exercising rights

- In case, you receive dividends in shares or bonus shares: FPTS will credit (increase) your securities account at FPTS.

- In case, you receive dividends in cash: Based on the allocation of the Viet Nam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation (VSDC), FPTS will transfer the detailed statement and transfer money to the Bank so that the Bank can credit (increase) your securities trading account.

- In case, you deposit money to buy additional shares/bonds issued by the company: You will transfer money by yourself or deposit money into FPTS’s account to exercise the right to buy so that FPTS can transfer money to the issuing organization.

  1. Note

Customers using securities trading accounts at the Bank cannot use some features like customers opening securities trading cash accounts at FPTS. Specifically:

- Advance payment for selling securities;

- Advance payment for dividends;

- Margin trading;

- Pre-order pending securities purchase;

- Some online features such as: Online money transfer, Exercising the right to buy securities online.