HOTLINE : 1900 6446

Customer Service
Changing Services Online

* On EzTrade

You access your Online trading account - EzTrade. On the menu bar, click on “Service Management

Please click on the Status corresponding to each register services to register/cancel, then click Execute.

In case of registering more services for the first time, please click the download button to print the Contract, undersign with your full name and send it to FPTS Head Office/Branch/Transaction Office.

Finally, you enter the OTP code to Confirm your change.

The service registration is effective when the FPTS Customer Service Officer receives your valid Contract/Agreement (filled in with all required information and signature) you sent to FPTS.

* On EzMobileTrading

The service registration is effective when the FPTS Customer Service Officer receives your valid Contract/Agreement (filled in with all required information and signature) you sent to FPTS.

Changing Money Transfer Information

* On EzTrade

You access your Online Trading account - EzTrade. On the menu bar, click on "Service Management"

Choose “Register money transfer” and click on “Modify

Then, tick into EzTransfer box and click Add Bank to register the bank account number of the account owner or authorized person.

Enter your Bank Account information, then click Update and finally confirm your change by entering the OTP code.

If you use the Token Card, you can register to transfer money to unlimited beneficiaries.

The changed information will take effect from the next working day. You may contact our Customer Service Department via Hotline 19006446 - Line 1 to change your information to take effect in the day.

* On EzMobileTrading


Change Method of Receiving Information

* On EzTrade

You access your Online Trading account - EzTrade. On the menu bar, click on "Service Management"

Choose “Utilities” and click on “Modify

Please select the method to receive information from FPTS, then enter the OTP code to confirm.

The changed information will take effect from the next working day. You may contact our Customer Service Department via Hotline 19006446 - Line 1 to change your information to take effect in the day.

* On EzMobileTrading

Switching to Self-trading

Instructions on selecting Self-trading

Customers who actively trade securities without the assistance of investment consultants can select Self-trading to optimize transaction fees (refer to the trading tariff at FPTS here). After choosing Self-trading method, if you continue to use in-depth investment advisory services, you can select and register the most suitable advisor via EzAdvisorSelect of FPTS (A fee-based investment advisory service of FPTS).

You can easily switch to Sefl-trading online on your account as follows.

* Change on EzTrade

You log into your trading account on EzTrade. On menu bar, click on “Management”.

Click on the status of Self-trading (Proactive Trading).

Click Yes to confirm the switch to Self-trading

Choose a fee option (Fixed or Tier-based fee), then click Confirm.

After completing the registration, the Self-trading will display a green Registered button.

Finally, enter the OTP code to confirm your information.

* Change on EzMobileTrading


  • If you choose Self-trading before 19:00 on T0 day, the new fee will take effect from the next working day (T+1). If you choose Self-trading after 19:00 or on a holiday, the new fee will take effect from the next working day (T+2).

  • Customers will be self-sufficient in the transaction process without the support of consultants. Please dial 1900 6446, press 1 for FPTS’s Customer Service Department if you need our assistances.