HOTLINE : 1900 6446

Customer Service
Changing Account Information at FPTS

To change the registered information or register services, foreign customers need to go to the FPTS Head Office, Branches or Transaction Offices to proceed with required procedures.

Customers need to bring with the following papers:

Once completed at FPTS, the information will be updated at the Vietnam Securities Depository (VSD).

In case you are an institutional customer, please contact the FPTS Customer Service Department for support.

For working hours at FPTS, please click here.

Changing Information Online

* On EzTrade

You access your Online Trading account - EzTrade. On the menu bar, click on "Service Management"

Select “Personal information” and click on “Modify

You enter your personal information that needs to be changed. In case you change the information about your ID card/Citizen card, after entering your new Citizen card information, you click on the "Upload photo" to upload your photo to the system.

Note: The uploaded photo must be in JPEG, PNG, HEIC or HEIF format and not more than 5MB.

Then enter the OTP Code to Confirm.

* On EzMobileTrading