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Interface/General Settings

Interface Settings

On the Home screen, you can set up the content and interface according to your needs. The interface settings when personalized will be saved for each account and each device, when the account is logged in on another device, it needs to be personalized again.

- Please click on Accountholder’s name (no.1) on the Home screen to set up the interface.

(1): Settings: Click on Accountholder’s name to go to the account settings screen.

(2): Favorite functions: Shortcuts to user-defined functions, up to 8 functions. You swipe from right to left to see more.

Function is all the products that FPTS provides.

(3): Navigation bar: You can change 03 functions in ‘General Settings’, except Home.

(4): Notification

(5): Search: To look for stock information.

(6): Home page: Can be customized

Notes:  In the “Market Value” section, you can click on the icons as described below to display the corresponding detailed screens.

  • Notes: All settings are saved per account, you must set up settings for different accounts when logging in on the same device.

- Click on Interface

4 layouts includes: Modern - Youthful; Modern - Simple; Classic - Gentle; Classic - Simple -> Select your favor

                            Modern - Youthful                                                                                Classic - Simple

  • Screen mode

There are 3 options:

- Fixed settings: When selecting this option, the screen mode will be similar to your mobile device.

- Auto settings: Automatically change over time.

- Manual: Dark/Light.

App, Utilities Settings

1. Navigate the app

* Favorite shortcuts settings

  • At the home screen, you can set up your frequently used utilities.
  • Favourite functions: Shortcuts to user-defined functions, up to 8 functions.

* Navigation bar settings

  • Click on Interface” -> Navigate the app -> Navigation bar

(1): Change Navigation Bar style: Modern/Classic

(2): Select the functions to pin to the navigation bar

*: The selected screen will be taken to by default after login.

2. Home page content

  • Home page includes maximum 6 contents, minimum 3 contents and can be selected to display.
  • The selected content will be displayed on the Home screen:

Notification Settings

You can set up notifications and select information that you want FPTS sends to you.

  • Notification types will always be sent by default, including:
  • Automatic closing position order
  • Notification to change account password

Market Information Tracking/Display Settings
  • You can select Market tab in two ways:

  • You can customize the number and position of cards or indexes you want by ticking the information you want to display:

  • Or hide directly on the main screen interface:

1. Overview:

  • Market leading stocks:

  • Liquidity: You can track liquidity one or average 10 days in the past

  • Top stocks:

  • You can track top stocks with four different options:

  • Chart:

  • Foreign trading: You can track both volume and value of transactions

  • Market breadth:

  • FPTS researchs including Business reports and Technical Analysis of FPA

  • News & events including business news and events calendar

2. Price board

  • Price board:

  • Price board settings: You can customize additional columns: Foreign buy/sell; Opening price; Closing price:

  • Select the display you want, then click “Agree”:

3. Industries

  • Select industries to follow:

4. Indicators

  • Including Vietnam and foreign indexes:

Categories Settings
  • You can view Categories tab in the following screens:

* Ownership portfolio: will display by default the stocks that you own:

  • When buying new stocks and selling all securities in the session, the Ownership Portfolio will be updated with new/deleted corresponding stocks.
  • You cannot perform Add/Delete stock in this portfolio.

* Watchlist: 

  • Add watchlist

  • Edit category name

  • Delete category

Go to the Custom section then hold the category you want to delete and select Delete.

  • Add stocks to category

- You can add securities codes or derivative futures contract codes to the list to track.

- For categories that have not added any new stocks, "Add" icon will appear in the middle of the screen:

- Or you can search for stocks/contract codes and then add them to the list you want:

- Customize the position of the new stocks when adding to the category:

  • Copy/move stocks via categories

Select the stocks you want to copy/move to the new category:

  • Quick steps on the list

- Pin/delete stock: Swipe the stock to the right → select Pin to pin the stock to the top of the list or select Delete to delete the stock from the list

  Pin stock feature: similar to the stock priority feature in the Category on EzTrade

- Place a Buy/Sell order quickly: Swipe the stock to the left to select Buy/Sell

- Change the position of the stock on the list: Hold on the stock → move up and down to the position you want.

* Display settings options

- There are 4 display types for customers to choose.

Underlying stock details

- Show details of ceiling/floor/reference price, opening price and highest/lowest price

Overview tab includes Technical analysis charts, trading, liquidity, foreign block trading and basic information

Business Profile tab includes:

- Introduction: General introduction, listing information and production fields of the business, Organizational chart, Board of Directors, Ownership structure.

- Finance tab includes basic indicators: Profit and loss and profitability, Revenue, business size.

- See full and detail index:

News tab includes business news and events calendar

Derivative stock details

- Including charts and accounts similar to underlying stock details like displays contract details, expiration time