Depositing securities
- Securities Trading
- Stock Trading
- Bond Trading
- Derivatives Trading
- ETF Trading
- Covered Warrant Trading
- Securities Custody
- Q&A
- Custody
- Depositing securities
- Custody over the counter at FPTS
- Online Custody
- Withdrawing Securities Deposited
- Transferring Securities at Customer’s Request
- Transferring Securities Ownership Rights to VSDC
- Escrowing Securities with Registered Guarantee Measures
- Voluntarily Escrowing Securities via VSDC
- Inheritance by will
- Inheritance by law
- Selling Securities in Public Bid
- Presenting Securities
- Inheriting Securities
- Financial Services
- Investment Advisory
Depositing Securities
Holders of the Securities Certificate of public companies must deposit securities into their securities account before conducting any transaction with them.
Their securities balance will be transformed from the written Securities Certificate to electronic data in their securities account.
Securities can be deposited in either of the following methods: